Portfolio of Work
HAL Zuiderdam
HAL Zuiderdam, the first of five refits completed April 2015 in Palermo, Italy.
Wightlink’s St Clare: Deck4
Refurb of St. Clare's Deck 4. Completed in January 2015
HAL Volendam Refit
HAL's Volendam Refit in Singapore Dec 2014
Pacific Dawn Pool Deck Refit
9 day pool deck refit in Sydney, Australia onboard Pacific Dawn
Blu Marine undertake restoration works on HMS Caroline
HMS Caroline is being restored in Belfast in time for the centenary of the Battle of Jutland in 2016.
Queen Elizabeth (Video)
Blu Marine completed a refurbishment on the prestigious Queen Elizabeth during it's dry dock in Hamburg.
St Clare
The refit of deck 5 on Wightlink's flagship the St Clare, was designed in-house and completed in service in less than two weeks.
Pullmantur's Zenith Refit was designed in-house and completed during a 21 day refit in Cadiz, Spain.
Teen's Lounge October 2013
Pullmantur's M/V Horizon, completed April 2012 in Marseille.
Calais Seaways
DFDS latest addition to the fleet is refurbished and rebranded in Gdansk, March 2013.
Upgrade to main public areas including new Club Class Lounge and all public toilets.